16 May Quote & Buy CRM with an integrated payment system
In today’s fast pace of digital product development, quoting software is one of the most beneficial for eCommerce businesses.
Consumers want fast and reliable quotes delivered to them to make an informed but efficient decision.
But much of the quoting software on the market today has been developed in a cookie-cutter fashion – without the input from the client and without the end-user being properly considered.
Quote & Buy system helps organisations do better business
When we designed the Sure Communication CRM, it was developed with our clients in mind and also with their contribution.
We took this approach to make the CRM software work for their needs and help clients not only do better business but also increase sales.
Providing quoting software tailored for businesses like Sky Insurance Services and Morgan Motor Company has been a rewarding journey for us and these clients who have gone from strength to strength over many years and despite the challenges of recessions and pandemics.
Investing in business software that can help increase sales can be the difference between a business’s success or failure and what sets most apart from its competition.
It comes down to the three T’s – tools, team and training.
All successful businesses know that continually investing in all of these areas is essential for sustained and increasing growth. The quote to buy tool has the capabilities to ensure this is done efficiently and effectively.
We have been providing eCommerce solutions to businesses across the UK for 25 years.
Our specialist knowledge is in providing bespoke software solutions for our clients alongside everything you would expect from a web hosting company.
Never afraid of big challenges, Sure Communication has developed multiple websites for singular clients for an international market many times over; it’s our superpower.
We are especially adept at developing systems beneficial to insurance brokers with our Quote and Buy sales system.
Whether it’s providing customers with quotes in minutes or searching for the best quote across a multi-level offering or multiple client sites via desktop or mobile, Sure Communication technologies have these capabilities and so much more.
The SurCo quoting software can email customers a reminder about their quote to action at a later date or they can choose to take action there and then with a click through to purchase.
Our goal is always to work closely with the client to provide the reliable service they need and ensure they can therefore deliver the best quality services to their customers.
There are many types of quote software on the market, in fact, it’s such a beneficial tool to add to your online business services, even big tech names have developed their own Quote to Buy versions.
The difference with SurCo quote software is that we work one to one with every one of our clients to provide a tailored experience which helps us develop exactly what each individual client needs to reach their online sales potential.
SurCo CRM sales software can help speed up the quote to cash process by providing professional, branded and customised quotes and subsequent schedule/paperwork in seconds.
Fully integrated payment options help eliminate the need for ongoing interaction between sales staff and customers during the sales process.
The CRM also includes everything required to run a smooth business and makes this process so much easier for every person in the company.
There’s sales automation, email templates, tracking, reporting, scheduling and so much more. If there’s something that needs adding to help the business do better, we can do that too.
Our bespoke CRM and quoting software is so reliable because we are partnered with Rackspace, whose servers have proved to be extremely fast, reliable and robust since we started working with them almost 20 years ago.
To find out more about SurCo quoting software please get in touch for a no obligation chat today.